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Tue 07 May 2002 13:38
Working as a Q/A tester, pays well, need loadrunner.
from USD 25.00 per hour
Working as a Contract Area Consultant: USD 35.00 to USD 40.00 per hour
Legal work showing up again:
USD 20.00 to USD 27.00 per hour

Erin writes:

So, there was more excitement with the Jon guy. Did Mom tell you? At 4am on the morning that you left he scaled the fire escape in the back alley and climbed onto Stacy's deck... Then he went away and ended up passed out in his car parked on the wrong side of Chesterfield. Needless to say the police were called, he was arrested...etc. I can fill you in on the details if you are interested. So, Sunday morning all my neighbors were out and about, so I figured this was as good a time as any to meet all of them. We hung out in Noella's apartment and discussed the whole matter.

Yesterday, we all had letters taped to our mailbox from the guy apologizing and making all these explanations for his behavior. Seeing how the conditions of his release stipulated that he was not to come within 200 meters of the building, we are all wondering how he delivered them.

The fun never stops!

Erin- by the way, did you know Stacy is 37 years old! Pretty suprising!


Teach python and zope?


affective computing from slashdot:

I'm at SUNY
Would I go to san diego to study computational neuroscience?
plus, minus, interesting...

Imagine sitting down to study organic chemistry, or whatever else they might study.

The technologists/scientists are making inroads. Those who work only from a basis in thought and language, without science, without awareness of what science learns...


I once was interested in human concerns which would remain even given the most imaginably advanced human civilization. (?)

But technology has and will change the landscape of meaning. Change the landscape of what is meaningful.

this is what I realized in my thoughts about programming/compsci?

Alright, I should also say, I felt in love with Sarah this morning.
so nice to see sarah--
tennis racket?
Going off- now
Thinking of time w/ Sarah
|o| call her sometime |o|

org philosophy of value &
the way to sort value, info-
my vision of profound things is still true.
|o[be clear w/sarah]o|
(Days notice please &   [[i.e. tell me a day ahead you want to do something]]
Power of her love?
What a wonderful feeling...!


it is wonderful to feel that. Really wonderful. Regardless of whether it comes again. There are times I've wondered if I'd ever feel that again.

Earlier--Well--talking about how to organize information so that the most valuable information for living one's life is readily available.

I wrote a note to myself to not forget where I came from. (my emotional path)

This website is to make sure the trail is relatively clear/somewhat followable.

quite likely it will remain of limited usefulness and limited influence.

Yes, there are values and orientations I wish to see adopted by others.


What are those values, and what is the best way to work for them?
What also would I value working on?

o carfreeness, without question
o libertarian politics (i.e. not believing centralization of political power/more legislation is the solution to every problem). Demise of taxation.
o questioning (the demise of those systems which claim to have answers as opposed to questions: religion, for the most part)
    - I don't want there to be people going around saying I should believe this or believe that, or telling me or others that some book has all the truth and all the answers, or that some leader has all the answers.

o physical excellence. I want everyone to be a dancer and an acrobat. Everyone should do the ITP Kata (whatever it is) or something similar every day. Never again will I see fat people walking out of a Cirque du Soleil performance. People will take care of their bodies--it is their only real house! Doctors will not be creeps or idiots. The gov't will be out of healthcare. Work will not be a part of healthcare. People will not eat shit. People will not eat poison.

How close am I to that?

People will know the health of their body is paramount. People will be concerned if they get flabby. They will know healthy ways of addressing their poor performance physically.

People will dance outside. They will be joyful. They will know how to love others and how to appropriately communicate the weather of emotions in relationships and out of relationships.

People will know how to find people they can love, and people who can love them.

People will know how to find places they love living in.

Suicide / murder as an expressive act will no longer be necessary (or perceived as necessary by certain individuals at certain times).

People will not sell out their minds without leaving themselves room to wander.

People will not do things out of duty or feelings of obligation but because they wish to, they see the beauty in it.

People will wake up every morning excited and in love with what is about to happen that day, the adventures they will have, the people they will see, the activities they can't wait to begin. At the end of the day, physically exhausted, they shall sleep soundly, and not remember their dreams.

Physically exhausted! that's a tough one.


Now those are some values I fairly well stand for fairly often!

Is there another value.

There is this life work business.
There is this marveling at the beauty of what humanity is (could be) becoming. This marvel at all the amazing things that are going on.

No, joy is not found in meditation? It is found in love of people, in activity? In anticipation of wonderful things, quantity, intensity, frequency of things to look forward to?


a kid in third grade feeling joy, because of a relationship with a third grader?

and other things.

what was special about that quality of love, that quality of relationship?

How pie in the sky am I thinking that life can continually be that wondrous?

So many say "No."

Life is hard, life has miseries... that is what they say.

Relationships are hard work. That is what they say.

I say, relationships are joy or they are not.
life is joy or it is not.
and so on.

heaven on earth is possible. _I have known it_

am I deluding myself? am I confining myself to a forever immature state?
Will I ever do the relationship & childrearing thing as a pure expression of my joy for living, love of relationship, love of life?

Will I ever say, life is such a wonderful thing that...?
Will I ever say, I want to have a child?

so I have those values and that aim, this idea of what life could be, this idea of what love can be like.

I don't know if they're right.

The issue of life work?

The issue of life work.

something amazing is happening--
it is is the changing of what it means to be human?

in the realm where people are always born, always growing older..

in that realm, what problems do they continue to face.

Assuming an individual is born. She is like superman was.

She is the best, she can do anything.

What does she do? how does she learn? what does she learn?

She is very powerful. Not held back by limits on information or of space.

She has an infinite number of servants to do whatever she asks them to.

What does she do?

She can know and understand anything humanity has come to understand, given time, and a choice to focus on that area.

She can live anywhere, in any manner that she chooses.

We could also say, she will not die except for accident. And as long as she maintains the appropriate practice and discipline, her body will be strong, flexible, coordinated, as a dancer.

What does she do?

Following the wilber paradigm, she does all that we do today, because it is all necessary for what she is about to do.

She sleeps.
She eats.
She exercises,
She moves around.
She spends time with her friends, talking about this and that.

She looks for amazing and visionary things to learn about, for wonderful experiences.

She also looks for the way she can most effective create joyful experience, new joyful experience, in her unique way, the way she can best create joyful experience which she (1) can experience her self, and (2) can experience with at least one other, but preferably many others!

So colin, where does that leave you?

Now dissociated, the curser blinks.

Technology transfer.

The mass audience.

Who creates the first immediately responsible, access to all, incredibly rewarding computer robot teacher will have the content "in" on the future mind?

The whining teachers unions of old will finally be shot dead!

My vision is like that guy in that show- was he a time traveler? who had a card wish would project a holographic helper in the likeness of an attractive woman?

a great vision.

Will this companion be better than books?

Books are valuable to me, because , they are almost like random access memory--- I can reach into any part of them and get something out. I can scan through them in various ways. I am not confined to someone else's pace and ordering of content, as with video.

let me imagine this imaginary holographic helper and what my life is like with her---

or imagine other incredible extensions of the individual based on an emotion sensing, emotion expressing, emotion feeling even, entity...

I shall sign off now and go home and eat something.
This vision has gotten me back to myself?

I think there was a time when I thought technology would not change certain fundamental truths about human experience.

I thought that the nature of the experience of meaning in life would always be an issue....
that questions of how to live ones life in the best way would always be an issue....

But technology can and quite possibly will fundamentally change the human experience.

Technology is the human experience?

There is no separation in nature between what humans create and that which created humans?

the problems of the far future, the individual concerns of the far future will not be the concerns of today?


WTF is going on?

Who of long ago writes a story I can still find interest in reading?

What engages the most people?
Where and how are people oriented?

This vast purposeless mass?

let's get out of here. This needs to shake down, out, or something somewhere...

What of love, love of individuals? Mutual saying, I'm so happy you exist, I'm so happy you respond to me!

People will love human creations?

Then all that is left is the wide range of human capabilities that only a human can, and ever will exhibit? There never will be an entity as general purpose as a human body?

The human body is the interface?

The human body is the horizon?

the bridge,

The interface between what cannot change in its lifetime, and what can change infinitely?

we want to love
we want to experience joy
and so we do these things.

and what do I do?

the experience of fucking a dog-

becomes an impression which everyone knows?

"Oh, yes," they say. It is a symbol.



I must pass time.
Where shall I pass time.
how shall I?

I can do anything.

I have infinite slaves at my will.

And I say to these slaves, "

"Are you boiling your underwear?"
would not have been said if William weren't in the kitchen as well (with anne and I)?

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