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Mon 27 May 2002 10:29
Dear Sara,
I think I'm ready to dance now.
that is, lead/direct a movement time with someone else (sara [or someone else who I'm physically comfortable/familiar with, enthusiastic about])

My toe balancing is progressing, (foot extending), though my foot currently only extends a fraction of how far a dancer's foot extends. Transformational imaging to focus on foot flexibility, weighted foot extension, single foot extended (balance on). Transformational imaging can also focus on fiddle (whoops, violin) playing. Speedy, precise movement of left hand fingers. Ability of fingers to remember precise locations for each note of a key, each note of a piece. Ability of mind and ear to remember precise tones (for tuning violin), for distinguishing/recognizing keys. Ability to be and stay relaxed in playing, and in dance, and in yoga like poses. Getting breathing right.

1044 I am eating. I was eating: raw peanuts, org. flame rasins, org. toasted buckwheat (a good amount), org rolled oats, twinlab brewer's yeast (a little) and water and org soy flakes (shiloh farms). Now, oats (a good amount), rasins, soy flakes, water.

I was dancing on the basketball courts near the south entrance to fort tryon park for quite a long time. I left here around 0617, and jogged slowly there. Danced and did my playing/exercises, then did full kata for first time, with approximations of the deep relaxation, transformational imaging, and meditation segments. Then 0930, danced/played a little more before leaving and exploring Tryon park. Before catching the (1) back. Walking through many of the areas Sara & I and Demi (DesirČ(Sara's apt mate)'s good sized dog) had been, and some places we had not.

A men's fitness reader was talking to (with two young children, and I believe, a baby back at his apt/home) his visitor about fitness "early middle age"

need to xerox/scan in the kata to better use it/teach it/ get the breathing right.

_Violin: six lessons with Yehudi Menuhin_ w.w. norton & co 1971

"To my darling Diana, without whom I should never have known the support and peace of mind essential to this work and -- who knows the price of sharing her husband with that other Mistress, the Violin"

I would like to say a few words about the moral attitude. I look on this as a kind of bridge between the past and the future and between oneself and the outside world. In working, one is investing effort and consoliating memory for the reward of future performance; the better and more precise, the more complete and dedicated the effort, the greater will be the reward. With the equation between oneself and the world at large, we receive as much inspiration from both the music we play and the audience we play to, as we give of ourselves. This conception of a personal budget is valuable for living in general, and underlines the importance of conscience, of example and of integrity and honesty; when we are working on the violin we are alone, and yet what happens during these hours of isolation is crucial to what will happen on the stage before an audience.

Anne's monologue two evenings (?) ago was somewhat disturbing. Me saying I met her at the pool. There's no shortage of women. But not all of them interest me. Anne's "you're so healthy, you will be so young when you're ..." my reservations. Anne's "Getting married/having children is the healthy thing to do." "My friends who have children...."  "It makes you less self-centered"

"Anne, Statistics are one thing, stasticially, people who are married are healthier, live longer. But that means nothing for the individual. Mother Theresa. There are plenty of people in messed up ... There are plenty of self-centered people in ...."

"That is my parents, they are so self centered, that's why my sister and I are like we are... There's more to it than that."

William has been helping her clean out her room. A wonderful thing to do. A significant service to the community.

Children's book project (with sara)

raw peanuts. beautiful. do they have some calcium leaching acid? or something else?

we read children's books to eachother.

Imagining an art piece:
music stands which hang from the ceiling (water weights attached to the corners. The stands raise up, and the orchestra dances./bows.

with sara and others. Change in mindset. As if we were both married to someone else, yet our spouses are cool enough to be ok with us dancing with eachother....
Then the opposite.
Dancing with her then off stage and she is changed for a comparable looking male, dance continues..

Could it be redone erotically, as if I were her lover and the male's lover?

The crotch handhold for the femail, the pair of hands just outside the crotch for the male (only difference?)

too many raw peanuts? now soyflakes...

Dr. Leath...

hal has me running the participants for two weeks while he's off sailing in alaska (southern, Juno). also has me writing methods section.. etc. interesting (more). And will the recruiter have anything interesting to say?

work on website today?
I should. Such a backlog.

Police report on 56 when (if) they blast this day. Super. All of them. What you're doing is a crime. You should be punished.

what fun (?)

memorial day-- memory of war dead? or ...

should you know my Grandma Ann? I have just the scan for you. if so.

Need to take our books / wilber books more slowly.

I've been taking naps

the problem with the website is, I don't experience the audience experiencing it... but with the violin....

needing music I'm excited about.

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