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Mon 10 Jun 2002 18:47
are you a bee-yitch?
[shrug] [nice]
you're a fine bitch.

you wanna dance?


_Tomas y la seŅora de la biblioteca_ por pat mora ilustraciones de raul colŪn

I cried when reading it--

a librarian?

why not a librarian?

(you'd be great)

egocentrism of the baby boomers each guru, each indiv, believing she must be the messiah

my shoulders ache? should break from swimming and use weights?

you shall be a librarian, if you follow what you were thinking (_the guru within_) of that kind.

The open center

need more green vegetals, fruit? for body to feel more vital?

eating masa harina, amaranth, tuna, sunflower seeds. Sprouts ready tomorrow.

have been resting a lot, but then, off sleep sched

carmen, leslie to catskills


we shall be conducting research into what people believe makes them feel more vital balanced and healthy.

I shall be developing and advertising a website which presents my findings.

I have decided that I do have something to teach- I do have a perspective to present worthy to be considered if only because it is different (the at least value of the libertarian perspective).

The perspective should be defined--something that can be expressed on the web site.

A book can be made from the web site.

A bit like t schwartz's book. A continuing review of teachers I encounter.

My perspective is unique:
libertarian, unschooling, schank, technology aware, dance, meaning, experience focus, journaling, carfree, vedral, nearing, .. masanobu, other teachers?

focus on 'unbearable lightness of being' (the phrase enters mind- I've never read the book of that title)

what do I wish the effect of my efforts to be?

the effects of leonard and murphy's itp work.

I wish to see people who are not loving living (those who did not continue to attend my meaning in life forum), to come to love living more.

I wish to get more experience on how that transformation occurs.

the ugly mask.

I would love to soften what appears to be a widespread angst of young adulthood, of not knowing, not being sure, how one should live, how one should fit into the world.

I would like to work with children who are older and with adults, who can be free to question--I would not want to work with children who are still constrained by their parents- I would work with the parents--
Schank's "you are your child's teacher-- if you don't take the time, no one will."

I should probably begin by letting the market speak to me:

aspiring personal growth guru seeks devoted associates to help him develop both his products and his market.

I can potentially offer services others would value. It is somewhat foolish for me to guess what others would value-- much better to ask what they would value, having chosen my general topic area.

What will the role of the website (my library for the time being) be in all of this? How much work will I be doing on this?

Conceivably, what products might I offer that others would value?

Feeling a lack of meaning? a lack of vitality? Tell me what you believe might be helpful for you to achieve vital, balanced, and healthy
however impossible or far-fetched that might seem.

beautiful. [the question is the answer]

My basic intent in all this is to be a vitality enchancer in New York City and in the world-- to develop and implement processes which ongo and assist people in increasing the amount of time the love being alive.

sara cried when she cut her hair shorter and what had been there was gone.
my wrists, sara, not my hands.

the website is going to have to change...

"growing the guru within" [?]

that is the basic Idea-- that you are your own best teacher, and that is what may be most needed is the confidence to let yourself teach yourself?

The quakers may help--

have ideas.

This is a mental technology, for approaching life and the world.


I would feel a bit better if I got out and moved around..
It really is another world up by fort tryon park-- a beautiful place, an idyll in manhattan, with awesome hills to run, beautifully maintained gardens with beautiful people enjoying them.

so how do you think people would respond to your question, as to how you could help?

You have one tentative answer, which is putting your thoughts about self and other valued teachers into writing intended for these others. a sort of book therapy list.

What I think I personally would value most, is interaction with the individual seeking to augment her/his vitality, health, balance

but I also shall detail my thoughts and approaches on my website so that others can learn what I've found valuable without the difficulty of arranging a meeting in person.

If you're game for the in-person work, let me know. As I'm just starting, I don't plan on charging anything, and we can work out what ways of interaction you'd most value.

I've done some thinking about what I might do that might be valuable to another (beyond the web site), and this is what I've come up with:

and what shall the new web site look like? x-rates.com... simple, not black.. user friendly.

If I'm overwhelmed with responses, I won't be able to see everyone, and after gaining some experience about what people find helpful will perhaps begin to charge/ seek donations in some way for the time I spend with individuals. For my own part, I am attempting to develop a life work which I love and which I am also able to support myself doing.

I will work with anyone of any age provided they choose to contact me of their own accord, as opposed to at the urging of another.

The web site will have a link to my saga and to the stories of others who have developed vitality, as well as to discussions/reviews of teachers I have found helpful. As well as to thoughts on various areas (often simplistic) of education, politics, involvement in system, commitment.

License for the site: this content can be altered, redistributed by anyone, anytime, provided there is no charge for the document in which it is redistributed, and provided the copyright of the redistributed content is not held by someone other than the author of this site. If you wish to distrubute this content in altered or unaltered form for a price, you must make arrangments with the creator of the content. Either way, this notice and referral to experienceartist.org must be included with the redistributed/altered content.
The site will be a one-author site, not a massive/small organization site. The .org will come in when links are made to the content of others.

Should get personal recommendations/ blurbs from others who know me for web site/ads.

Now, consider the financial side of this... like a psychotheraputic practice?

What I might do that might be valuable to others-- back to meaning in life--
What of group work?

this time I purposefully told people about this wild idea-- instead of witholding... though it was not thought out hardly

my idiosyncrasies and preferences-- no group--

indivs can make their own group-

itp-life page.

if you had your own assistant whose job it was to help you vital, balance, and health... what would that indiv do?

what would that teacher do in meetings with you?

o thoughts on therapy-- as a p-growth practice..

o what is personal growth?

dad: that sounds like hard work-- don't you have to deal with attachment issues?

when you contemplate yourself, do you have the sense of an unchanging rock, or a plant or tree with green shoots?

for my own goals--what financial success do I need?

remember caroline--if you know what you want to do--

gabrielle roth waves and nia.

personal growth is an important part of love of life

me, wishing to work with the whole person, not just one part, as in a dance/nia/ physical trainer/ even psychotherapist practice.

Wish to work with many and point them.. in ways,

not seeking to foster dependency- but 'the guru within'

if you know you have severe psychological issues-- I'm probably not the one for you.

selling myself.

a picture, in black shirt, short hair. old shoes or barefoot.

You would have to up it to four hour meetings a day at $100/hr... with one of the hours devoted to those with less or no money.

If you could do that you should be set.

For yourself, you probably only need 20,000 to be quite comfortable.
for one child, could probably do with 30,000. Two, 40,000... The woman involved would probably help-- so you would be earning 10,000/year just for privelige of having one child, and freedom.

when should we say, "I love you."

"you could be married to carmen..."

"It doesn't matter who, it's just to frame the interaction-

"I know.

Is she concerned with how I think of carmen?

teaching from 130 to 830--


what on earth could be worth $100/hr to a person? $100 is worth different things to different people...

wear something you don't mind laying in the grass in-

or to a dance studio--


pay what you think the time was worth--


one free slot a day of four...

part-time, only two meetings/day--

what shall we do in these meetings?

imagine you are on the other side-- imagine you are a teenager, or whomever, what do you do?

develop a process--
reviews of reality therapy

imagine you are the way yourself was-

free slots v pay slots

o.k., so I'm myself back in college. I see this flyer about this aspiring guru, and I call and get myself a free appointment...

The aspiring guru asks me to think about what I hope to gain from the interaction, and to tell him ahead of time.

what do I hope to gain?

I'd like some understanding about my experience of nothingness and how to get out of it...


I'd like some understanding about my depression at being dumped by my first boyfriend-


and ask, which approach

..web form submission

simply looking for a listener, or looking for active advice and research support...

or just want to say hi and hang out and see what happens without premeditation...

six thinking hats...

providing a model for developing their own therapeutic friendships..

price willing to pay (our goal is to get this to zero--because you have developed friendships and, the guru within, so that...

Now then, what are my thoughts about

what journals should I be keeping up with, if any? transpersonal psych, humanistic psych? counseling psych, school counselor's journal, basic psych journals? psych today?

willing and able to pay..

social work...

now then, what are my thoughts about the larger role of this practice in society, the larger role of my actions in society

by advertising this site, and what's on it, I will be, by the visitors who view it, playing a larger role in society than the simple meetings I have with those I manage to meet with.

spiritual friendships..

business cards: aspiring pers. growth guru...

simon benepe...

the differences-- I'm not going to fit everyone

so would I ever stop advertising, and thus lose that larger role??

Wishing to have something to give the hare krishna boys.


am I concerned about the reproducibility and the effectiveness of my approaches?

What ever happened to the scientific demonstration of effectiveness?

giving over to expecting indivs to decide what is valuable

get phone # off web site (room!)

do I ever see myself as being a long-term fixture in an indiv's life? It seems conceivable that I might have a perspective that is so valuable to someone that s/he continues to return for it--

what would I think of that?

I certainly should never be necessary to that person's life, not a dependency, but could be a long-term valued part?

issues on writing..

what I shall write about, anon,

sex/relationship ethics.

if you tell me you're going to kill yourself, or harm another. Harming yourself is fine, f

my clients...

my art--

what is alexander technique-- why is joanna interested in it.

identifying information in my journal writing...

issues of confidentiality etc... privacy... 6months- you have opportunity to review... and can postpone pub as much as two years, after two years, I'll consider myself able to publish anything provided uniquely identifying information is removed, except for date-time. i.e., someone who does not know you well would not be able to identify you, unless they knew the days we met and could somehow ...

O.k. colin.
this is a good start.
let's get to sleep. We should consider more of the process later, probably something like:
(1) Minimal web site work--
(2) how should people contact me?/ arrange initial meetings.

[weed eaters in the sky hcopter hoevering low over apt... my god to have a sam right now...]

initial web site work, and
development of flyers/advertising approach.

then continuation of cleath site...


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