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Tue 02 Jul 2002 15:59
soy sprouts (soaked soybeans), small amt of lentil, wheat, mung sprouts.
fairway non-organic $1.29/lb bchothouse.com tomato, organic large flame rasins (awesome raisins) $2.50lb. org. raw sunflowerseeds. non org. pepitas (pumpkin seeds?). org. toasted buckwheat. **everything is uncooked**
insanely good

dripping sweat  (and a memory of Britney's "i wanna dance up on you" (?) video)

too bad I don't have dsl... I could keep up with all the latest videos..!

and see the old good ones again.

Hi Sara!!

'when I'm with you, I feel like-
'I don't feel like

they opened the hydrant

dear sara,
eating (was),(walnuts, rasins, pepitas
reading (I said I didn't) writing/sidewalk art.

Mon 01 Jul 2002 19:37
I should probably write myself out though I was thinking of avoiding writing. Things are fine, but a little uncertain, so a little melancholy.
How to do it right, never sure, and never all the way relaxed?
would love to relax more, to not push., to not ask as I did-- to not lead. To not try to plan, to construct.

that's simple, that's about it.

Just hang out, be patient, what happens happens. Today went too far toward the contrived end of the spectrum for mental health.

so, don't do that again!

fine! I won't do that again!

Yesterday was very nice. At connecticut college. Dancing as the sun set while talking to parents (didn't really need that to make it beautiful) feeling the cool grass, ground under my feet. Spinning. Flying.


and what of sara.

talking to you, dear computer, I've forgotten already. I love how light and svelte you feel without your battery in you. to think it took me so long to discover that possibility!

Yeah, you went too far to the contrived end. But you got some recent thoughts out of your system and into the relationship air, where now they can evanesce, and we can peacefully go our own way. Careful with the contriving, forcing, imposing. Listen to her, let her tell you what she wants.

You know that is most beautiful of all, to let her do with you what she wishes.

Her fears are valid, do not give them ground.

let her decide, as she says.

as for other things, which are at least as important, I'll start now.

o do images. then, we've got only text left. take care of images tonight, and get site up for counseling services.!! yes. kick some tail man. rock on. let's go!!!! this is you. define, be clear, visualize and know. develop. go.

on it.

outward bound. Outdoor education. that and NYC. No, keep on with your.

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