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Wed 13 Feb 2002 22:06
to read site imagining how another might perceive it.
update dreamer!!!!!!!

the future is not about logic and reason. It's about imagination, hope, and belief.

organization is agreement

Look carefully around you and recognize the luminosity of souls.
Sit beside those who draw you to that. Jalal Uddin Rumi

Manhattan Plaza Masters: Sarah Schindler, xxx Riverside Drive, #134, New York, NY 10025, (212) xxx-xxxx, sschindler stlukes
Wednesday evenings at the
> Manhattan Plaza Health Club on 43rd St. and 10th Avenue.  Class starts
> at 7:15 P.M.  If you are interested you can take a sample class for
> free.  After the first class, you'd either have


Wed 13 Feb 2002 17:46
from Dee Hock,
Birth of the Chaordic age
p 113.
To be free is precisely the same thing as to be pious, wise, just and temperate, careful of one's own, abstinent from what is another's and thence, magnanimous and brave.... To be an opposite of these is the same thing as to be a slave.... So it comes to pass that the nation which has been incapable of governing and ordering itself and has delivered itself up to the slavery of its own lusts is itself delivered against its will to other masters, and whether it will or not, is compelled to serve.

p 120
Healthy organizations are a mental concept of relationship to which people are drawn by hope, vision, values, and meaning, and liberty to cooperatively pursue them. Healthy organizations induce behavior. Induced behavior is inherently constructive.

All institutions are no more than a mental construct to which people are drawn in pursuit of common purpose. All organizations.. the moving force ofthe mind, heart, and spirit of people, without which all assets are just so much inert ...

"let's start an organization!"

businesses, as well as nations, races, tribes, die out when they become despairing and lose excitement and hope about the future.
Without a deeply held, commonly shared purpose that gives meaning to their lives; without deeply held, commonly shared, ethical values and beliefs about conduct in pursuit of purpose that all may trust and rely upon, communities steadily disintegrate, and organizations progressively become instruments of tyranny.

The alternative to shared belief in purpose and principles is tyranny.

And asks the question with which he closes all meetings. "Did the meeting serve your purpose?"

huge capacity for friendship had wrapped me in his arms

he had the purpose:
p: 132
If anything imaginable was possible, if there were no constraints whatever, what would be the nature of an ideal organization to create the world's premier system for the exchange of value?

value (including non monetary?)

asked hock to join them


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