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Fri 15 Feb 2002 00:12
p 285
I cannot praise a fugitive and cloistered virtue, unexercised and unbreathed, that never sallies out and sees her adversary, but slinks out of the race, where that immortal garland is to be run for, not without dust and heat. Assuredly we bring not innocence into the world, we bring impurity much rather; that which purifies us is trial, and trial is by what is contrary. --john milton

atherton, not 10 mi from your place

p 295
if anything imaginable was possible, if there were no constraints whatever, what would be the nature of an ideal organization to create the world's premier system for the exchange of value?

OD/OL to dc ishmael list!

DSL at home again?

p 298:
we have lost our local, communal stories and destroyed the places for their telling.

When organizations lose shared purpose and principles--their sense of community--they are already in process of decay and dissolution.

p 299:
If the story of a truly different and better society could be told, no matter how remote, no matter how difficult to realize, or even the story of a path to that end, it would capture the imagination of the world. It would submerge the urge to isolation and destructive behavior in excitement and new hope for the future. People would then see the wisdom of preserving the substance of the past, while enhancing and ....
for the first time .. we might engage in global evolutionary social and institutional change without an appalling cycle of destruction and reconstruction.

To lp news: read this!

p 301
lynx is an inseparable, interacting relationship between earth, grass, light, air, gravity, rodent, heat, man, and countless other things.

go- the game.

p303 the odyssey
This is the true joy of life, the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one; the being throughly worn out before you are thrown on the scrap heap; the being a force of Nature instead of a feverish, selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.... The only real tragedy in life is being used by personally minded men for purposes that you recognize to be base. --George Bernard Shaw

God will not ask me why I was not Moses. He will ask me why I was not Susya. --Rabbi Susya

In April 1994, I set out on an odyssey more improbable than VISA, and

wsi paper
better solution to plastic bags? if... what?

incomparably more important, searching out people concerned about pervasive social and ecological problems and committed to doing something about them. I asked the same questions over and over again of everyone I met. "Is there some pervasive cause we're not getting at underlying so many intractable societal problems? Is there an epidemic of institutional failure? What is the connection between the two? Are the dominant organizational metaphors and concepts any longer relevant? ...

How does asking the question (interviewing) affect?

If an effort..., would you help?
Who do you think I should talk to?
What should I read?

Invitations to speak.

where is this way of thinking taught?

Most women seemed to understand the concepts quickly, deeply, intuitively. People raised in Eastern cultures and religions were also swift to understand. Native peoples had no trouble at all. .. Those who had the most difficulty with the concepts were often Caucasian men from Western societies in positions of power.

Within a year and a half after the odyssey began, it was devouring my life. money is not the measure

what are a few billion grandchildren worth?

realization of what I must do came in the form of questions to which there can be no answers, only insatiable desire to find out. Is this what my life is all about?

A life can't be made of denial, must be made of affirmation.
I knew that saying yes meant night-and-day labor, stress, criticism, deception, and frequent failure. But how else can one know growth, joy, and happiness? Everything is its opposite. Life is a gift, bearing a gift, which is the art of giving.

I would restrict speaking engagements to no more than 10% of my waking hours. I would reserve another 15% for family and self-indulgent pursuits. The remainder, at least 70 hours a week and a portion of my income, I would devote to an effort to realize the four objectives.

Finally, at 66, in 1996, I understood what my life was about.

His book should be copylefted... it can be made more concise, hard-hitting, better. - the prologue should be later?

This was the unknown I must explore. Wherever it led. Whoever my companions.

The moment one commits oneself, then providence moves too. - w.n. murray
"whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it."

p310 Whatever mankind's success in intermediate organization, he has failed to make an organization of the whole."-n cousins

great ideas come into the world as quietly as doves. Perhaps then, if we listen attentively we shall hear, among the uproar of empires and nations, the faint fluttering of wings, the gentle stirrings of life and hope.... it is awakened, revived, nourished by millions of solitary individuals whose deeds and works every day negate frontiers and the crudest implications of history. Each and every one, on the foundations of their own suffering and joy, builds for all." --Camus

so many people...

ahead lies the possibility of regeneration of individuality, liberty, community, and ethics such as the world has never....

we are
corporate dictatorship.

institutions that have inherent capacity for their own continual learning, order, and adaptation
institutions  with capacity to coevolveharmoniously with one another, with all people, with all other living things and with the earth itself to the highest potential of each and all.

appleseed foundation - nader.

p 316
centralization of power is centralization of power. It will inevitably corrupt and be corrupted.

he got nader to see his value.

perhaps we should all reflect on our discussions and decide later what might come of them. they agree.

the meeting with nader was not unique.

I would need a not-for-profit corporation to handle funds and employ a small staff.
Joel Getzendanner
Joyce inst.
Chaordic alliance.

peter senge.
to reconceive organizational learning center at mit
cowell, geraldine dodge, kellog, woodcock, phalarope, jessie smith noyes etc.
odwalla, steltenpohl

A young man, Geoffrey strawbridge appeared, explaining that the work was in harmony with what he felt called to do. He offered to work for nothing until the Chaordic Alliance could afford a modest salary.

We did not have to seek out help. it simply appeared, from people and places we could not have imagined.
(then providence moved too)

a blind trust
what would we do if we received a major gift?
hope with a plan.
hope that has a path; hope that feels linked to the reality of our wildly changing, technological world.
I am impressed by your ideas that stress the importance of meeting core human needs in an organizational context.
Needs for dignity, for relationship, for shared meaning and purpose behind endeavor. Need that are rarely addressed at the organizational base of our society, and needs, as you explain, that relate to the manageability, workability, and ultimate success of any organization.

I have faith in you and in your developing organization, and in the dream that we now share. My gift will come to you with a great deal of pleasure.
Sincerely, anonymous donor


and it is emerging everywhere, not just at the chaordic alliance. (what an ugly name)

a story too green for adequate telling.

all it asks is your commitment.

his way with people. - inducing

leading themselves, their superiors, their peers,
what if every reader shared this book with 6 friends?

Congratulations! we found another dreamer, another incredible, wonderful beautiful vision, idea, experience.

Monterey, walking through the presidio, early in the morning- how sublime, I wish to be there, somehow.

focus on experience, not on grandchildren...

not being, but becoming

a chaordic org
The chaordic alliance is an org
created to develop, disseminate, and implement new concepts of organization that more equitably distribute power and wealth, and are more compatible with the human spirit and the biosphere.
To achieve its purpose, the CA has four primary objectives:
(1) To assist in the evolution of new, successful chaordic organizations. Ideally, these organizations will span such diverse areas as education, government, social services, commerce, and the environment, to demonstrate that chaordic concepts have universal applicability. The CA will develope methods and resources to help both existing and new institutions through the process of reconceiving themselves as chaordic institutions.
(2) To create multidimensional models of chaordic organizations so that people have something to examine, experiment with, and compare to existing organizations. The models must contain the ethical and spiritual dimension generally lacking in current models. In addition, computer simulations will be created to allow people to quickly see how clarity of purpose and principles allow institutions to self-organize, evolve over decades, and link in new patterns for an enduring constructive society.

--the different thought density behind different communications--

(3) To further develop and disseminate an intellectual foundation for chaordic organizations. The intellectual foundation must integrate the economic, scientific, political, historical, technical, social, and philosophical rationale for such organizations and establish the common language and metaphors necessary for widespread understanding of chaordic concepts.

(4) To assist in the creation of a global chaordic institution for the sole purpose of developing, disseminating, and implementing chaordic concepts of organization, linking individuals, institutions, and groups of all kinds committed to institutional and societal reconception in a vast web of shared learning. It must be organized on the principles it espouses and, itself, be a successful example of chaordic organization, enabling people to pursue chaordic concepts in unique ways, on any scale, at any time, for their own reasons.


The CA is committed to creating the conditions for the formation of practical, innovative organizations that blend competition and cooperation to address critical societal and environmental issues. It grew out of the work of Dee W. Hock, Founder and CEO Emeritus, VISA International. VISA, which was based upon concepts of chaordic organizing, grew in two decades from a few hundred members to the largest enterprise in the world, fulfilling his vision of an enterprise that transcended nations, language, currency, custom, and culture, seamlessly blending competition and cooperation--chaos and order.(?) In 1999, VISA linked 20,000 financial institutions, 14 million merchants, and 600 million consumers in 220 countries and territories, producing $1.25 trillion in volume. Mar. Hock is now Founder and Coordinating Director of the Chaordic Appliance:
The Chaordic Appliance
PO BOX 907
Half Moon Bay, CA 94019-0907
chaordic chaord.org

douglas adams heart of gold drive?

everyone should read this book (or a better version of it)

jmole hotmail.com - she will meet more who love her.

self-governing organism
characteristic of the fundamental organizing principles of evolution and nature

visa- owned by 22000 member banks which both compete with eachother for 750 milion customers and must cooperate by honoring one another's $1.25 trillion in transactions annually across borders and currencies.


case studies of chaordic orgs
chaordic interactions/ leadership decisions/ agreements/organization


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