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Fri 15 Feb 2002 20:47
p22 washington post magazine 1/13/2002
It is a given that Greg's cognitive skills are hyperdeveloped. So, too, Wessells believes, is Greg's compassion.

Fri 15 Feb 2002 16:46
purpose, principles...by which purpose will be pursued.
purpose: as to Asha:
to have the best experience possible.
are we lacking things to look forward to.
does typing over writing hamper Idea flow?
Should I become more involved with a relationship? If the will is there, on both sides, I probably will.

Do I really need to think any more? Do I really need to plan for the future? Things seem fine. What is the next step? What should I do next?
Everything seems fine.
No reason to do anything differently?
Dance wise, I would like to do something differently.
Dance and music wise.

Just keep playing experience.
Work off intuition?
No plan.
How long can I get away with it?
What will be my angles and my work?
Would I move more into physical sex type experience?
How will I play? Music and dance.
As to professions. Should I plan, or let happen?
Could I teach movement from experienceart perspective.
Verbally describing focus, and exploration.
Could I do what I do with word in movement and with music? There are more dimensions to work with than in writing.
I probably do need an intimate accomplice to work with and to explore certain issues.
If I can describe what I'm looking for, I can do it.

someone who can understand and value the perspective, and who would also wish to work with me.
Where can experienceart take me? Anywhere? Will I be able to find opportunities for continual progress within this general orientation?
What should I look to next? Should I adopt policies? do I have anything to share with others? to teach?


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