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Mon 13 May 2002 18:31
things are quite nice.
* no food issues, health issues noticeably troubling.
* sara
* joanna
* carmen
* memories of rachel
* beverley (memories)
* the nice young woman coy in fairway, possibly just out of steps
* all the people in the rain
* posting room ad on site it being cool to have a system for presenting it easily
* hacking spree yesterday till 3am today, slow progress but successful in adding thumbnail/fullsize image feature toggle. Well factored.
* downloaded much AI affective comp info to this machine. Happy to have access to so much material without having to step into a library. Happy to be moving away from the book form into ... (?)
* memories of walk with sara
* increasing numbers of attractive young(er) women at pool (carmen agreed)
* sad yesterday thinking pessimistically about how things were going with carmen, but seeing her this morning reminded me it is my tendency to think neg, when reality is not. somewhat reminiscent of issues with rebecca, I suppose.
* joanna's message nice to hear.
* tired from hack fest
* progressd on room issue. (making signs, should be posting tomorrow)
* thoughts of adventures yet to come
* daydreaming/fantasizing regarding sara.
* thoughts of adventures yet to come
* palette
* finding emotion design site and others at http://www.bartneck.de/
* thoughts of adventures yet to come.
good feeling
so distracted this morning in my attempt to recognize as familiar or unfamiliar various women in pool and the effect of their presence on my behavior. There is a notable difference between a pool [fool] full of retired bodies and one fast beautiful young man (dan) and a pool of significant proportion of women who are closer to my age and ... I'd like to think I add something to their experience as well, and probably do

so worked up, so excited about seeing my friends this morning? carmen, sara?really really, like a little kid leaping about in joy and anxious anticipation

just on saturday not far from the plastic hippopotomi I was talking to joanna of that joy--when one leaps out of bed, runs, works excitedly, deeply engagedly/focused for much of the day before going to sleep with the sun, full-body tired.

the hindrance the grownups have to that experience design is, except for those carwashers and so on, they cannot get the physical tiredness synchronously with their main work (as I did as a counselor in training when helping build an awesome obstacle course).

must all this thinking and interacting with the ether be so sedentary?

need the experience of making a breakthrough in artifical intelligence be so different from windsurfing the Maui ocean swell?

It is beautiful to see the emotion design people using same words I have used. What methods will they discover? are there any that I would like?

That people who talk that way are prospering.

the cars in the city must be eliminated.
muir glen organic pizza sauce.

me on the subway, always looking all around, like someone...
always looking all around at the others' faces, like someone who knows how special it is to be riding on the subway
those peaceful uncrowded rides free from performers and beggars are special (since I don't have to ride too far).

all the people, all the people.

and I am loving, almost like I dreamed she did.?

and my dreams, sleep dreams, strange things, knowing they were strange, perhaps wonderful, without knowing what they were (wonderful adventures)

pinnacle landscape.

3dsMax user meeting.

being able to go to bed early, in peace and quiet. Having the week be my weekend, or similar.

I'm tired and have run out.

from de Bono's Thinking Course revised edition 1994
The figure below shows three possible ways in which emotion can interact with perception. I will use the word "perception" rather than thinking for throughout this book I have tried to emphasize that for most practical matters perception is thinking.

In the first situation the emotion is present from the beginning--even before the particular situation is encoundered. This is equivalent to <i>blind</i> rage or panic. It may also occur in a particular context even before the details of the situation have been seen. This may happen with aggression, jealousy or hatred. We call this "blind emotion."

The second situatino is by far the most usual one. With our perception we examine the situation briefly. We recognize some pattern. That switchen on our emotion. From then on our further perception is narrowed and channeled by that emotion. If you offer a foul-looking liquid to people to drink, most of them will wrinkle their noses and decline the offer. A blindfolded person will taste the drink and declare it to be orange juice--which is what it has been all along.

In the third situation we have the ideal. There is a broad and calm exploration of the situation and in the end emotions come in to make the final decision and choose the course of action. This is the model I have been advocating in this book. Explore first with such [attention directing] tools as PMI (+,-,interesting), CAF (consider all factors), APC (alternatives,possibilities,choices), EBS (examine both sides), ADI (agreement, disagreement, irrelevance), C&S (consequence and sequel), OPV (other people's views), AGO (aims, goals, objectives), TEC (target, expand, conclude, task, expand, contract). Then make a choice or decision. This choice may be based on survival, ego-needs, achievement, or self-interest of any sort. These are all emotionally based.

[story about friend helping a hurt person who was attacked by someone who thought he had hurt the person he was trying to help]

p105 In general when we think we are acting from gut feeling we nevertheless have a short perception phase during which we interpret the situation. We need to extend that phase and to do far more thinking in it.

There is much less we can do about the "blind emotion" situation. Jealousy is a most curious emotion since it seems (unlike other emotions) to have no intrinsic survival value unless on a sexual basis. A person who is jealous of another person will interpret any action whatsoever in a negative manner. As an emotion jealousy is more interesting than most and could benefit from some scrutiny.

p105 perception can change feelings.
--important point-- hugely.

p106 values are the most important ingredient in civilization.
the astonishing power of values to reverse normal human feelings. Martyrs. Enemies were to be loved.
me values
mates vales - group
moral values - society.
mankind- environmental, human rights/values.

high values determine action
low values must be considered.

really, exercise to get away from superfluous values.

p109 value-laden words. thin net of rational argument supporting a heavy burden of value-laden words.
as compared to

p110 how many subjects cannot be discussed because the very words we need to use have been so contaminated with built-in values that whatever we say is prejudged.

p113 we are only called in to make decisions when an analysis of information is insufficient--when we have to speculate or guess or apply human values and emotions.

In many worlds "description" and analysis are enough. But in the business world there is an absolute need for constructive action. There is also a need for creativity. The business world does not stand still. Things are always changing. Complacency is fatal.

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