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Wed 26 Jun 2002 02:55
I would like to resume weights. Before picture & during picture. Good for shoulders and other things. I am swum out.

I should get a vision about what I shall focus on when the ws project is closer to complete. I am done with the slow parts, and this question is impinging more, distracting.

not wanting to feel spindly. Enjoying working with and feeling of weights.

soy sprouts.

digital camera and acne. Now the space bar- need to clean kb.

selling vitality

mother teresa.

shoulders wrists, deltoids. Men with big forearms.

ken wilber does weights.

I think he has big forearms.

ergonomically designed work area.

money to fund it all.

future future future.

really heavy weights needed for deltoids (raise bar to chin), bar or pulley machine. to do it right. Hansborough weightroom? other weight rooms?

RBSP $40/3months? In monterey, it was almost free...


program for mike/ or some other work?

Physical train? Not much competition?

mother teresa issue.

life work issue.

(1) weights. very important. part of health. health is worth more than learning because without health...

if you can live like that

aqua man.

0413 should probably begin work on vitality signs/ public site along with work on personal site. So that I can have fun advertising crazy things, seeing what happens with that idea, while still working with past.
Seeing what, and if, people I meet, and how I decide to design/present adverts and public site.

waiting for a dentist, a mr weber, recommended by a coworker to andrea. The place I visited earlier was a bit nicer. He seems to have happy patients, though I'm not one of them. Still not bad to sit here quietly. though someone else here (a black man) is perhaps expressing annoyance by turning the pages of the voice loudly, quickly, while exhaling loudly.

the I haven't heared from sara and thought I might feeling is kicking in. Not a serious deal, since after Joanna and previous interactions, I'm quite accustomed to it, and I admit, is (I think) preferable to someone overly like myself?  Nah, It would be nice to find someone, who while still appreciating time by herself, appreciates responsiveness, has an empathy for that sort of thing.

work has been fine.
 oh and it's fine sara's not back since I've got a nice pimple which is in the process of leaving (not that that really matters, but..)

and the vitality pro

well, spent about an hour scoping out the possibilities on ebay, and placed a bid using esnipe. Perhaps I shall have to find out how to obtain a cashier's check for 12.76 or less tomorrow. [+ $9 or less shipping & insurance]

the dentist laughed... that's it?!
well, after leaving, quite happy to get out of fairly non-vital place (except perhaps for the dentist himself) after sitting for :45 past scheduled time,

perhaps there was more, and he did not think to question more, or I did not think to insist on more thorough scoping out.

at any rate I feel I've done my duty to myself as if I were a child... with permanent teeth.

and returned the korg (+21.60) and gotten to a new part of town where there were quite a few young white women who have the freedom to walk around outside before 1700 wearing not very much and frilly flip-flops. (baruch business students?)

have been riding the subway mindlessly lately (doing nothing but looking at people/pondering things for the whole ride)

Unfortunately my latest bunch of sprouts seems to include quite a lot of gravel...

You have beautiful teeth.

I saw a woman who reminded me of sophia (dark skin, straight hair), wearing  jean mini skirt which reminded me of sara... oh, sigh.

life was wonderful before I started eating

the vitality project should get underway.

our mother teresa project

what's left to do on the journal/archive type web site is fairly unchallenging. Except for the c-64 recovery part. interesting, but the social component is necessary. The purpose of this alone time is to spur such motivation.

our commercial predation on suffering (eventually)

life strategies, inc (someone's already done that, but what a sickening idea)

how sucky would it be to have a relationship with a woman who would write like this about me and eventually post it on her web site?

there is a sense where I value this writing and my relationship with it more than the relationship which makes life worth living and writing about. There have been so many positive effects about exploring thought space this way.

there shall come a time when I will not write here.

I am a connoisseur of broad shouldered men. Colin's shoulders aren't as broad as some other men I've been attracted to, but he's the one I'm contemplating loving the most!

Deal with it Colin-- that's life. You probably don't have to fear her hiding anything from you, and because of her practice of writing this way, while rather unusual (admittedly a good thing, from your perspective), she might have more self-awareness/self-knowledge than your average jane.

Because I want to fuck Colin.

Well, now, you don't wish to be loved solely as a sexual satiation/sperm injection service, but provided she shows some other depth in her enjoyment of interaction with you, such a desire is preferable to the alternative.

ahh. quinoa, amaranth. brewer's yeast, water. Che bella!

unfortunately I think my consuming of pots of X keep my intestines quite full and cause a nice belly even though I'm not fat!

no need to consume pots of X

sweating on a late, crowded, unairconditioned subway car from 23rd to 137th was sublime. Much preferable to the alternative of shivering in the cold of a car with plenty of space. I am not being sarcastic. The essence of humanity oozed, hung thick in the air, like the haze around the GW bridge this morning, which, amazingly equaled the milkyness in the pool this morning caused by a flocculating (?) agent put in the pool to attempt to deal with the poor design of the filtration system/running the pool at many times its capacity on hot summer days.

I swam hard, motivated by a fast, attractive, gay looking, male swimmer, but damn it, I was still quite faster than him!

the reasonably fast, curly-haired, suntanned guy, watched me with a bit of awe (or something) while I was getting ready to go and talking to george about [him] swimming near his cottage in the hamptons. Thoughtfully I acknowledged his eyes with a nod, before leaving.

He has a suntanned, reasonably fast attractive, sexy, girlfriend. They do not come early every morning, otherwise I might know them by now.

Will I every tire of arrogance? Since I'm such a humble and I think amusing looking person, I am amused when people appear struck by me.(?)

My running hat quite exceeds all the black kids' various hat approaches for dorkiness (still unmatching the rastafarian dreadlock bag, oh, my god! what self-abnegation does it take to wear one of those things?)

it sits high on my head, and due to a stiff brim pooks out on the edges. A nice robin egg blue (quite an in color, actually-- hoya's color?)

squatting on the subway car floor with my back to the empty driver's cabin is another example, but, due to a stiff left knee, I'm not certain how much longer I shall do so.

character development.

but, darn it, I'm aspiring to be a kind of mother theresa, so ...

of course we all know the good, loving, upstanding, perfect suit-wearing mormon missionary.

no, no, no! I do not wish to live in a world of those!

Grungy anarchists (one seen at least twice in bryant park).

ok. --

vitality project.

I look at the faces of everyone, asking, "vitality?" "love of life?"
a chinless wonder.

colin! will there ever be a time when refrain from saying those things? You're still in such an immature phase of expressing thoughts, if they come to mind, simply because (1) they came to mind, and (2) they should not be said.

Vitality arbiter, vitality rating

so, what is this mother theresa like thing your going to be doing, which will be recognized (yes, mother theresa was recognized-- is that a concern of yours?) as a great and wonderful contribution to humanity? Selfless?

Selfless? That sounds unlike you.

furthermore, you don't wish to live in a world of selfless people. If some people enjoy being selfless, fine. But would I wish to live with a bunch of Mother Theresa's?

Assuming the best of the quakers are somewhat like the best of what MT represents, then yeah, I probably would.

The world would be a more beautiful place if people refused to pay taxes to the us gov't.

(?) something along those lines, the world would be better if the USG did the right thing always. Since it doesn't.

vitality project:
(1) Assumed: some people are unhappy (like you once were, and sometimes still are).
(2) Proposal: You, colin, can help them to create the kind of life experience they would value more than their present experience.
(3) assumed: some people love living quite a lot and have developed ideas about how to maintain and enhance the quality of their experience.
(4) Proposal: You, colin, can learn from such people, and such people can also help others by sharing their stories (perhaps).
(5) Assumed: Certain societal assumptions reduce general enjoyment of life.
(6) Proposal: By encouraging individuals to question the assumptions of their generalized other, they may make unconventional choices, contributing to overall social change and elimination/reduction of harmful societal assumptions, formation of positive societal assumptions (is there such a thing? yeah, nonviolence, for example, and there are others.).

Proposal for action:

(a) Put up signs somehow advertising your web site.
(b) On your web site present the above proposals and assumptions.
(c) Work on creating a site/ clearinghouse for information presented in a way that might be helpful to those wishing to live a more fulfilling, meaningful, emotionally engaging life.
(d) Work on learning how to provide effective person-to-person assistance for those who have the time, interest, and in some cases, the money.

a vitality enhancer.

do I care about reaching large numbers of people? should I design bodywise like performances for school groups, for example? Or cimply focus on the more emancipated?

what will be the most fun? whatever gives you that social tingle(?)

If your work is effective, what do you believe the results will be?

What is your conception of an improved society? what values are you working to propogate (the embedding of sensors in the system to make it more responsive to the life-world?)

what would give you satisfaction?

helping someone in a way I felt I was well-qualified to help, resulting in an outcome I value.

seeks to improve his enjoyment of life by providing a counseling-like service to others.

I'm not looking for friends, I'm looking for people I could help. Who would value my assistance?

kids might value learning swimming. homeless might value food. hal might

what assistance would I value providing?

we're going to look at your thoughts about life

keep it simple, colin.

some yokels are either having a gunfight or lighting m80s (or some kind of firework).

I was drifting into sleep 1854

Meaning vitality lacking? Want to talk with someone who will encourage you to ask questions about how to improve your experience of meaning/vitality?

Meaning, vitality abundant? Want to share your ideas about how you maintain/improve the quality of your experience?

I'd like to talk with you.

visit my website experienceartist.org, send me an email colin@j9k.com, or leave a message for me at 917 .... (1800(?))

simple, conscise purpose:

I'm not going to get into organization building. Organization will consist of my example, and linking to other people's web sites. amen.

simple, concise purpose:

o will c64 emulator run on NT dos? star commander?

my entire being is vital, balanced, and healthy.
this keyboard sucks.


simple, concise purpose:
to help people love being alive.

to make the world a place more people love living in.

a nice talk with anne, she, attempting to avoid a turning car, fell off her bike and skinned her elbows.
Impressively, she rides her bike to 42nd street (near where I work--where does she work?)

something like 44 west 44th. I'm at 33 west 42nd.

'put the fear of god in me'

'that's a good thing to have'

Even thin people I know said having a job caused them to gain weight, exercise is the only thing you can do."

Norelco HQ4 replacement electric shaver heads (23.80) j&r.

How can people who have stories to tell (christ is the answer).. They can email their stories. Choose license for their story (copyright). Rating system for stories.

construction of this public page.

Use of CMF...does it have a content rating system? Will this portal stay around? It's easy to put up a simple page... cool man, I'll be advertising freezope as well... those guys rock. "just because it's free doesn't mean we hate money, quite the contrary."

and I can also interview those who wouldn't like to enter their own stories/ have them send me email, and I can post their stories for them.

what about:
Meaning vitality lacking? Want to talk with someone/read the stories of others who/that will encourage you to ask questions about how to improve your experience of meaning/vitality?

joanna disappeared too, :(

don't just have me be a person they can talk to but let others put up pages describing themselves and the services they offer--and terms on which they'll offer it. So we are offering opportunity for facetime. the izettai guy would love this project. Allow for placement of feedback on 'counselor types' discussion boards... wild... How hard to do? ebay/paypal/fool feedback style (stars! yes!).

NYC, prepare to be transformed. World, look out.



Is there really nothing else like this?

There is nothing else like this.

how do you know? because unschooling is young. Your site explicitly rejects the hubris of the professionals, insists on quality feedback ratings, subjective, objective demonstrations of effectiveness.

I thought you wanted to just do a little counseling type thing in your own way.

You won't be satisfied to just code away and make a huge portal...? No, I probably won't. and I don't think there's a rush to complete it. its not like we need to make money for a while anyways.

specifically about the counseling like experience you will offer, what will you say/do/say you will do?

writeup of site design, desired features, order of features. How to encourage others to help out. Other zope programmers, content providers.

ok. I think I'm thought out on this. good work. incorporates past thoughts and extends with new concept and orientation (counseling- person to person face to face work). Providing a service which will either expose traditional counselors for what they are or recognizing for the success and satisfaction they do provide.

You have a mass market, new york city. which you can cheaply advertise to.

and have face to face opportunities.

philosophy of community and values seeking to create?

bolt.com profiles and fool profiles, questions to tell people about themselves.

should it have a news main page, or something different unchanging?

what would the news site be? A service people continue to use or something people use only when they're seeking help/wishing to share success?

why would people continue to read about this stuff?

could have a sort of good news section good news bad news/ for
that would be cool. Successes and possible trouble areas. Societal scale. Action areas.

How much control do I wish to maintain? how does kuro5hin, slashdot, others work? how should this work? good news like barbara marx hubbard's peaceroom...


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