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Sat 06 Jul 1996 14:30

what is 
what is
what is
the best life?

discuss - experience
or just be

Fridays 6:00 pm at the Sylvan theater
(between the fountain and Stevens Way next to the EE building)
rain/ no rain
questions to: cleath@u

--one some pm
I talk of love, and I feel nothing
I know what happiness is, and I am not happy
I speak of the individual, and I ignore those.


Sat 06 Jul 1996 12:33

Thought change during orgasm, masturbation. what is sex anyways?
Before, then immediately after, letter to Bo. Polar polar. Wine glass elms. 
Can be pure so, if we go about it right way. Why bother. Body language 
saying something, means what you think it means and no love, is no love. 
The woman, man, the man woman, the woman man, the all.

Dear Chris,

I finished the "E" on the abalone shell with your name on it. The shell is on 
my window sill and the stem of a leaf I kept for its redness is caught in a 
hole in the shell. I caught it there. The leaf, I have it here now, is not so red, 
it is dry, paling.

I would send it to you if I thought you might like it. I would write you a 
letter, but I do not want to bother you. I sort of want to test your email 
address to see if you've moved on, though even if you have I expect it will 
still be there. I met a woman who just graduated from ASU, and has come 
here. You call yourself girl. I call myself guy, we've been over-

I'd also like to pretend I am not living in the past, that I have a present, that 
I am not thinking of you. I think I'm doing a good job of it.

It is not easy to find as pure a love. I have rewritten the whole world and 
I'm now starting to draw it.

It's not easy to love as pure, when your older and the animal urge is so, not 
just a freudian theory in your subconcious, sure, but so alive.

What do I really want, and I am telling you. It is foolish that I think.
It is foolish that I think I know what everyone wants. I know what everyone 

I am running that the most sane face is a facade, and there is broken 
underneath. She says she's happy, but she's really dead. She looks happy- 
when she stops to think she is insane. She never stops to think. The world is 
so dead. What is the deal, why can't we just love and stop messing with 
whatever you think you are.

Again, you are smart. No one will talk to me because I do not listen to 

You are working on a problem (I am working on old news). I am working 
on a problem.

I love you,
you have made me.


Jeseus, what are you doing? I like someone who disagrees with me, I love 
someone who cares enought to disagree. We are working for change, I 
don't change unless challenge.

Your attitude toward Jews is less than pleasing, I would say unreasonable. 
Bigoted, etc. Damn short sighted. They brought it on themselves. You 
would just as soon kill the rich person, who makes you poor. The rich 
person is out to ruin you. Or whether she is out to or not, she does. She 
makes it imposible for you to live and takes all your money, ruining you. 
You are an idiot to stay in such a situation. What can I do, I cannot leave? 
Why the hell did they?

Your attitude toward anyone with money.

Please explain why I have been able to grow up clueless, sheltered, one 
of the 9 percent of people who has all the wealth, or how I have been 

Tell me how hating anyone does any good?

Tell me how socialism will work here. Tell me why there is only a little 
socialist stuff when there are so many problems. What problems? Tell me 
why 90 percent of the people don't do something about the 9 who have it 

Give me something to work with rather than


I had two 
The frats and sorors in the school bus, going on a field trip or something. I 
wish I could go with them. It would be so nice to go on a trip with the 
people in my class. Don't forget.

and edit rwings, no more piano.

the media law class, the papers, the signs.

hatha yoga tuesdays 6-7:30 hillel.

july 10, 7:30 am wedsday

thursday afternoon. 6 or so.

friday at 6 I hope.


the sun shines through the letters when you hold it in the sun


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