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Tue 24 Dec 1996 09:35
I hate this place, but then, I realize there are no places I don't hate, because there are places I hate, and I am OK with that.

You don't know how much I've been looking forward to this moment right now. My whole life is either writing or waiting to write, or getting in the right mood to write. This is the concentration I am

My fingernails are getting long, . . . but I don't want to cut them.

I will continue work on my current project, because that is what I want to do most.



Hmm Why is the , oh, well --I don't know what I was thinking thinking
I would do something.

But I have some time, and it doesn't hurt to try.

Saving the own world.

I have finished rambling about rebecca, I think, though I need to read it over and think it over and get rid of the unnec parts. Next up is maslow and then being and happiness, and that's it I think.

Mon 23 Dec 1996 22:33
Hey, all, I'm back. My fingernails are getting longer,
and I've got new word processing software. With the full screen view all I see on the screen is the writing.

I finished Zen and the Art of motorcycle maintenance today.
by Robert M. Pirsig.

It does appear however that the new software will run the drive more, using the battery faster, but we'll see.

Yep, that will probably happen. Moreover, I should do something about te h key. Sometimes it doesn't go. But that kind of work scares me. I should do it here while there are tools.

Let's see, I was planning to paint cards for people for christmas, but I'm going very slowly. It's tough work. And I had this book to distract me.

OK- I took it back to the old program to see if things would quiet down. Everything is fine now I suppose.

Have been spending too much time computer messing lately.

I have a lot to say, but I'm tired.

Good night all, and Rebecca.
I love you all, and Rebecca.
I love you Rebecca.
I love you,

just for fun.

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