1 << >> 512 entries on 359 pages 
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Thu 11 Apr 2002 22:21
plan-- to use tinytables for lookup of page, id from a given n...
use properties of eal items to get page (cron and rcron) given id

Thu 11 Apr 2002 19:29
to continue hacking, or to go for a run? - a run is only an hour and the jokers in #56 are blasting their stereo...

Thu 11 Apr 2002 16:51
thinking about website:
remove list of numbers, replace with
<<[ ]>>
where [ ] specifies a number of an entry.

(2) remove files which correspond to redirect. Instead using a script, say s which takes a date and redirects user to page containing that entry in cron or rcron.

should look into Ztable...

does freezope have gadfly?

oodb should be able to work with my problem:
(a) for each page in cleath/eal, set property for which page the item can be found on.
a script s in cleath directory takes input, checks the property on the document and returns the appropriate page!

get cronpages to lineup...cronpage_001 if thereare more than 100 pages..

it worked! (a)
so every doc in /eal knows which cronpage and rcronpage it should be on.
This means the whole thing can be done dynamically.
For example, the index method for cleath returns a page which contains only those eal entries with a pagevalue of 1....! and so on. Which way should it be done? Search engine needs real pages? so make datelist a normal page with links to genned pages? do you want

could possibly modify the error page to catch all those unfound pages and if the page started with a number, pass it to the script which would return the page...

for now, we'll continue to gen cronpages. but permalinks can be in the form of /cleath?id=2001-02-02

Now, how to get from entry number to actual entry on cronpage?
say I give you a 23, how will I find the cronpage on which 23 exists?


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