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Sat 19 Jan 2002
So, what should I do now?
I do want to learn everything I can about appreciative inquiry.
Would I want to make a web site which does the interviews?
Which somehow collects and provokes thoughts about the profound.
And dance? Well, I'll work on this profound angle for a while. Let's eat, and then head to the library where it'll be warmer.

adele, carmen, unhappy rebecca. Why do I call her? there is some good in talking with her, and some not good. Would I want her to visit? Yes, I think so.

Don't forget nike town.
and get long underwear before leave.

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Anne Radford
editor/co-ordinator of the international email newsletter on AI
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Scott Stillinger
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Pacific Grove, CA 93950

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Email   Stillinger aol.com


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