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Thu 04 Apr 2002 19:36
I have the book: from the Brooklyn public library. Conveniently it is on the same train as my home: 1. (bring earplugs-bad track)
Dealing with Treya and her illness, being there for her, demanded that I truly drop everything I'd always defined myself by. I'd been completely driven to write and to be productive in my work, and in the end, I had to die completely to those desires.
a profound introduction to the Buddhist concept of enmptiness.
Now I can do my work or not do it. I don't feel like my life depends on it.

this growing accepance of life as it is, with all the sorrow, the pain, the suffering, and the tragedy, has brought me a kind of peace," treya
because I can no longer ignore death, I pay more attention to life.

p372 Treya's cancer is a constant reminder that death is a great letting go, but you needn't wait for physical death.

simple selfless desire to serve his wife. life became a meditation-in-action.
I took feelings and related them to ideas.
treya took ideas and related them to feelings
I moved from the particular to the universal
universal to concrete
I loved thinking, she loved making
I loved culture, she loved nature.
I shut the windows so I could hear Bach; she turned off Bach so she could hear the birds."

Wilber grew convinced that the highest stage of consciousness--what he calls Spirit--[supposed to be Witness?]is found ...
Only the balance of the two (heaven, earth), found in the Heart[for some it's the liver--africa--national geographic wedding traditions?], could lead to the secret door beyond death and mortality and pain.

far from being whole and self-contained people,we were each half-people,one of Heaven, one of Earth, and that was exactly as we should be... I will always be at home in ideas. Treya, in nature. together joind in the Heart[liver] we were whole; we could find that primal unity which neither alone could manage.

with treya, I am beginning, just beginning, to find my heart.

I am attempting to draw as comprehensive a map of human potentials as possible, and a good one helps chart the way.

If you don't know the Bahamas are even there, you'll never try to reach them.
finding and engaging a practice that speaks to your potentials and shows you the actual territory. The more full spectrum the practice, the better.
comb psychotherapy and meditation to integrate ascending and descending currents.
but could be anything
art, community service, raising sane kids, writing novels, sports--so long as it also pulls you out of yourself and into a larger being.
each of us has to take the actual journey, in our own way, in our own time, at our own pace."


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