If it were I who was to be always young, and the picture that was to grow old

you have lived since then

chrysoberyl cymophane peridot

He would often spend a whole day settling and resettling in their cases the various stones that he had collected, suchas the olive-green chrysoberyl that turns red by lamplight, the cymophane with its wirelike line of silver, the pistachio~coloured peridot, rose-pink and wine-yellow topazes, carbuncles of fiery scarlet with tremulous, four-rayed stars, flame-red cinnomon-stones, orange and violet spinels, and amethysts with their alternate layers of ruby and sapphire. He loved the red gold of the sunstone, and the moonstone's pearly whiteness, and the broken rainbow of the milky opal. He procured from Amsterdam three emeralds of extaordinary size and richness of colour, and had a turquoise de la vieille roche that was the envy of all the connoisseurs.

heaven imogen